Before a property is sold, it must be diagnosed with real estate.

You want to sold your property ? You must ask a qualified diagnostician for certain required evaluations before you finalize the sale. The buyer must receive a technical diagnosis file. This is an overview of the diagnostic files that must be provided in connection with a sale.

What is the purpose of a property assessment?

Before a property is sold, certain real estate diagnostics should be done, by real estate diagnosticians.  The purpose of the evaluation is to assess a property or apartment from different angles. This process informs the buyer about the condition of the property, so that he can make the appropriate decisions to ensure his safety and comfort. This is done to assess the technical details of the property. There may be areas of vigilance depending on the findings. The buyer has a file that outlines exactly what to expect prior to moving in.


This mandatory guide contains all you need about DDT

A technical diagnosis file, or DDT, is a collection of all real estate diagnoses that were performed before. It’s usually given to the purchaser of property upon signing the sale agreement. Your responsibility will be automatically assumed if there is no complete DDT. If the buyer notices any anomalies, he can withdraw from the sale contract before it is signed. It is important that each diagnosis be documented clearly and the validity periods are respected.


It is important to make a real estate diagnosis

Don’t forget to make a real estate diagnosis before putting your property on sale


Contact a real estate company that specializes in diagnosing and repairing properties

Regardless of whether the property is for individual sale or part of a condo, it is compulsory to use a certified diagnostician such as Active Diag in the Provence Alpes Cote d’Azur area. . Every diagnosis has to meet strict criteria: each one must be checked for the correctness of the references indicators, validity period and points. The guidelines are followed by certified diagnosticians who then create a report. These results can be relied upon as factual. The report includes personalized recommendations in case there are particular elements which require attention. The report will help you to fix the problems.


If you’re selling your house, mandatory diagnostics

It asbestos For properties that have a permit for construction issued prior to July 1, 1197, diagnosis is required. This allows you to confirm the existence or absence of asbestos. Asbestos is dangerous to your health. If your property is not connected to the public sewer system, you must be diagnosed with non-collective sanitation. If the installation was installed more than fifteen years ago, it will be evaluated for electricity. This is the Gas If the installation’s interior is older than 15 years, diagnosis is mandatory. Buyers are informed about the state of pollution and risks. If the house is subject to noises from typical airfields, a diagnosis of airborne sound is necessary. If the house is exposed to typical airfield noise, a diagnosis of merule In areas at high risk, it is necessary to obtain a lead diagnosis. This list includes the energy performance diagnosis (DPE), termite diagnosis, and lead diagnosis.


If you’re selling an apartment, mandatory diagnostics

If you are renting an apartment, please provide:

  • An energy performance diagnosis ;
  • A electricity diagnosis ;
  • A positive asbestos diagnosis: 
  • The lead diagnosis
  • A gas diagnosis;
  • A state that is at risk and polluted
  • A termite diagnosis ;
  • A report on airborne noise nuisance
  • A merule diagnosis.

You must provide additional information, including the DDT for the apartment. This will allow the buyer to be informed about the technical details of the building. All technical information about your apartment or house, from natural hazards to energy performance to toxic substances like lead must be disclosed to buyers before any transaction can proceed. It is legal !