How to handle an asbestos positive diagnosis

Asbestos was a miracle in the 1970s.  Because of this, it was extensively used for Insulating properties, thanks to its fire resistance. However, it was then discovered that inhaling its fibers can lead to long-term health issues. Eventually, it was banned by the government in 1997 and is being monitored more closely for any signs of asbestos. The search for asbestos must be part of any real estate assessment that an owner who wants to rent out or sell their property should undergo. Have you found asbestos in the building materials of your house or apartment? Don’t panic, simple solutions exist.

What does a real-estate diagnosis look like?

Real estate diagnosis is required for any property owner who wants it to be put on the market or to rent it. This is an inspection that’s performed by an outside professional. This professional will inspect the condition of the item. In many aspects, these are combined in the DTT file (technical diagnosis). The DDT will be attached in the event of rental. It will also be attached to any promise to sell. It is based largely on how large the property is. This is usually charged to the seller. The seller and buyer can also agree to split the costs. Sometimes, the buyer will assume the entire cost of the diagnosis.


absestos withdrawal

House after an absestos diagnosis

What’s the point of a real-estate diagnostic?

Real estate diagnostic is used for a property’s technical evaluation at the time it was sold or rented. It informs potential buyers about the possibilities. upgrades Once the sale has been concluded, he’ll need to take care of it. In two cases, the owner may perform the diagnostics on their own: technological and natural risks. A professional must perform all other diagnostics. For more information:

  • If the installation is older than 15 years, what is its condition?
  • How is it doing?
  • How does the property measure up in terms of energy efficiency (also known as DPE).
  • Are there lead-based materials in your apartment? Is there any lead in the house or apartment? If yes, how high is it for future residents to be exposed?

The diagnostician then checks for asbestos. He will also evaluate if the presence of asbestos poses any risk to property users.



Legislation on Asbestos

France was the first country to raise the issue of asbestos exposure and serious health consequences. Caen was the first place where a labor inspector raised the alarm about the high death rate of workers at asbestos-spun factories. The public was then alerted by a labor inspector to the high mortality rate in asbestos spinning factories. This led to events and subsequent decisions which included the obligation to consider asbestos.

  • The International Agency for Research on Cancer classified asbestos as a cancer-causing agent in 1973.
  • The decree number 96-1133, which was issued in January 1997, prohibits asbestos use in France.
  • A 1999 European directive called for an absolute ban on all asbestos within the member states by 2005.
  • 2002 was the year of the AFNOR NF X46-020 standard. This document describes how to conduct an asbestos diagnosis. This article explains how to find asbestos-containing materials in older buildings.


Asbestos diagnosis: definition

If they fall within one of the above cases, all properties constructed before 1997 will be subject to an asbestos diagnosis. The future owners of the property can consult these diagnoses. For example, a tenant may request access to the DAPP (The Asbestos File of Private Parts). This diagnosis is concerning as it affects businesses as well as individual homes and collective buildings. The diagnosis can have an impact on the construction progress if it is intended to notify future owners or tenants of properties. The project manager must warn any companies involved in asbestos removal. The individuals who attend the event must also be notified. Site Training in asbestos is required. Mandatory medical monitoring.


The procedure for asbestos diagnosis

It is done by always an independent professional asbestos diagnostician . The expert will first visit the house or building and look for asbestos. The expert will then take samples if asbestos is detected. Analyse . This will verify his original findings. He then evaluates how much asbestos has been degraded. He can then recommend the future based on this assessment. Works This will prevent the particles from dispersing. The doctor can recommend the removal of all problematic elements.


How should you proceed if an asbestos positive diagnosis is made?

Action will be necessary if asbestos is found in the property. The diagnostician will usually assign one regulatory level to each detected zone. You are not required to do anything beyond regularly monitoring the element. You are required to clean up the areas where asbestos has been removed to reduce the risk of exposure to the air. Third level involves the total removal of asbestos materials. You may feel tempted to perform the task yourself.

You should be aware that it will lead to problems and possibly even legal issues. In fact, you must take extreme safety precautions when you intervene in a building containing asbestos. You are risking your safety by not taking these precautions. Health Your life and the lives of others are at risk. You also risk legal action if asbestos-containing material is not disposed of in appropriate waste disposal facilities. The professionals in our team are experts at asbestos removal and containment. These professionals have undergone rigorous training to be able to operate in such conditions. The experts also have their own networks and are able to find asbestos removal locations while adhering to the laws and protecting the environment.